Good gravy

I know this isn't gravy. We'll come back to this later. 

The thing is, gravy is not a great thing to photograph unless, I suppose, you are a food photographer, which I am not. Sure, I've posted proud pictures of lasagnes and chillis but gravy? No. Beyond my abilities if I want to post a half-decent photo.

So, the thing is this: for whatever reason - and if there was on, I can't remember it - I decided to make a roast lunch for Dan and Abi, today. Consequently, having turned on the oven, I walked 'round to Booths at ten o'clock and bought a chicken, a vegetarian quiche for Abi, and some veg. 

Arriving back home, I recorded the first half of #electronicears and then prepped the chicken and popped it in the oven. Then I recorded the second part of the show and set about cooking the vegetables. It was about this time that I started thinking about how the recipe also included instructions on making your own gravy. I had disregarded these as over-ambitious but now I found myself thinking I should have a go. 

And make it I did and, guys, it turned out AMAZINGLY. Dan, who happened to be in the kitchen when I first tasted the results, asked to try some and subsequently smothered his meal in gravy. This is a chap who never has gravy on his food. What a triumph. And all the more reason not to undermine the success with a picture of a jug full of brown sauce. 

In the absence of a gravy photo, you get a shot of my nightcap: a glass of JD.

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Reading: ‘How To Stop Time’ by Matt Haig (Book 21). This was recommended to me by friend Angela and I enjoyed it a lot. Good story, well told, a bit bleak in places, and I knew whether it was a 4 or a 5 would depend on the finish. But there’s no crescendo, no twist in the tale: it starts, tells a good, imaginative story, and then winds down to a close. I’m giving it a 4 but maybe it could be a 4.5
Next: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman

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