Sitting in the Coolamon Tree

A trip north today with my friend Zom to the Art Gallery..she needed to drop off one of her wonderful paintings there.
Not far up the road near the information center I found another tree where the fruit and flowers grow on the trunk......what a happy find.

Another bush tucker tree.
I had never seen one like this before and it was full of parrots having the most wonderful time and feast.
Apparently it is a rather rare tree and only grows in this area and a little bit north.
The heavy rains we usually get often knock off the brackets of flowers so it is quite a special thing to see these most beautiful pink blossoms in full show.

a little more info:

Syzygium moorei is a rare sub tropical rainforest tree, growing on volcanic soils in the Mount Warning area of north east New South Wales and south east Queensland, Australia. Common names include Coolamon, Watermelon Tree, Durobby and Robby; it is also called "rose apple" but this can refer to many species of Syzygium.
An unusual factor of this tree is cauliflory. Where flower and fruit form on the main stems or woody trunks rather than from new growth and shoots. This is mostly a tropical feature, and unusual in rainforest trees so far south in New South Wales.

In November to February, pink or orange flowers form in dense panicles on mature branches. The berry is white or pale green up to 6 cm in diameter, maturing around Easter time. The fruit is not pleasant to eat raw, but is an excellent ingredient in mixed preserves. The large seed germinates well after many months. Most seedlings appear in November and December.

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