Psychodelic Euphorbia

Are you feeling dizzy? I am. Take a bunch of euphorbia. Photograph them and then play with the photo. Turn it to black and white. Use the "weird lines" filter from Color Efex Pro. Add "ink outlines" from CS6's filter set. And this is what you get. Check it out in large.

We are spending today catching up. Last night we were up late cleaning up from the gang being here for dinner. The disposal stuck. The dishwasher didn't drain. It was an interesting night. We finally were shutting our eyes to sleep at close to one in the morning. So today we aren't moving all that fast. Our good buddy and handy man Ric came by with a nifty key device that you stick in the underside of the disposal and turn. It gets whatever is stuck out of there and the disposal starts to work again. Yay! That allowed the dishwasher to drain since it was draining through the disposal. Thank you Ric! He gave us the key for future occurrences.

The other think we did was the wash, loads and loads of the wash. I had been too busy to do it for some time so we had a large amount to do. And Arvin's daughter Lynda arrives tomorrow afternoon so today was the day to do it. Now it is almost done. Hooray.

And the best part is, of course, that we will see Lynda tomorrow. She is flying up for a week's visit. We haven't seen her for awhile. It will be great to have time together.

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