These guys #GGSA2018

Generally speaking, I don't like repeating myself. I don't even like taking the same route to and from a destination. But sometimes there's a routine that works to the point of being irresistible and the Saturday of a Good Gang Special Assignment fits into this category: breakfast; an activity; boozy lunch; afternoon nap; more drinks and good meal somewhere. 

I woke up early, this morning, and got a run in before breakfast both to clear the cobwebs from last night's drinking and to build up an appetite for breakfast. After we'd eaten, we took a stroll in the sunshine along the Thames although the lack of a downstream bridge did mean that we had to come back by the same route :-(

We took a recuperative drink in a pub called the Little Angel, which Bob recommended. He is the planner of these events and has usually and successfully identified places for to drink and dine, and then we moved on to have lunch at the Three Tuns (would recommend). 

And then it was nap time, except I wasn't that tired so I enjoyed my book with a beer, instead. Admittedly I did close my eyes for twenty minutes when I went up to change for dinner, and then it was time for more beers and a good meal. 

You know, apart from the legwork that Bob puts in around the places to eat and drink, one of the reasons I like the routine is that we don't really have to think about much: we can just enjoy one another's company and that's what these events are all about.

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Reading: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman

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