
With hindsight, I probably would have felt better on the drive home if I'd had a run, this morning, but I was saving myself for a swim later on (which did turn out to be the right decision). As it was, I had a fairly bleak drive home, feeling a bit lacklustre and having to concentrate more than usual because of the rain. The only high point was bumping into Bob at a service station. 

It was a bit of surprise, then, that when I did go for a swim, I did my best time in the twenty-five metre pool at David Lloyd: over a minute faster than my previous best, which was both extraordinary and, actually, a bit bizarre.

My favourite thing to do after swimming is to go with the Minx - and, occasionally, the miniMinx - to have a meal at La Rocca in Chorley. This evening, the miniMinx was with us and we had a lovely time. Not only was I delighted by my swim time but I felt great having used the exercise to blow away all of the cobwebs.

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Reading: 'The Liars' Gospel' by Naomi Alderman

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