Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Emergency Ker-knackered Blip

I feel like this, as do loads of my colleagues. Got to school at 08:00 this morning, just got in at 21:00. Some of them are still there too..... :( A high ISO needed to snap the sleeping Jnr - too late to see her this evening.

Could rant about so much but won't (Mr Gove - you're safe tonight) as I haven't the energy to go into so much detail. The money is this country is going to the wrong places - when it all goes 'pop' in the next few years, the people will realise what the government have been doing and get mighty angry. Ooopps, nearly went off on one there.......

Instead, here are some highlights:
- Day 2 of Macbeth went amazingly, class are loving it.
- did a presentation to proper grown-ups and only forgot was I was saying mid-sentence three times.
- saw a squirrel at lunchtime in a tree over the road (but was having an important discussion at the time so couldn't say, "Oooh, look....a squirrel!)
- shared my day with some of the best people in the world

Night Night

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