Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Not a Macaw

The predicted 2-3 inches of snow somehow became 8-10 inches here on the Lane. And it's not the nice, fluffy kind of snow either.  Thankfully, the temps will be in the 40's for the next few days so it should mostly melt.  

I wanted nothing more than to stay tucked inside where it's nice and warm...but one does what one must.  So, boots, hat, gloves, down parka and a camera.  I spent about 40 minutes outside enjoying the birds and managed to snap a half-dozen or so reasonable shots.  Decided on this one mainly because it didn't require much more than a crop ... and who doesn't love a big red bird in the snow.  That said, I'd have preferred a bigger red bird in the rain forest...

Still sorting photos and also discovered at least one card that I hadn't loaded onto the hard drive.  So, my day tomorrow will be mostly indoors trying to get through at least the first pass of the remaining CR photos.   Must say that I'm enjoying reliving the trip as I go through the thousands of images.  

Off to dinner with friends tonight.  Hasta Manana!


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