Life In Wales

By KarenC

Feeding the Squizzers

We drove into town this morning as there was a 'Maker's Market' on at The Open Market, so we parked at Preston Park.  There were lots of craft stalls and amongst the permanent shops, there was one selling calendar's, cards and canvases. I stopped to look at the calendars, and the owner of the shop came over to try selling me one, but I explained that I was a photographer myself and do my own calendars.  Anyway, we got chatting and it turns out that a few of the people I know from the Brighton Skies group are featured in his calendar, so I showed him some of my work and he said that he would be interested if I sent him some of my images in the summer for next years' calendar.  He pays guest photographers £50 and gives them a few of the calendars and said he would like some more women involved as it's mostly men.  One picture he's looking for is a Robin in snow, so the challenge is on, we just need snow!

We then went for a walk in Preston Park where we spotted some squirrels, and luckily I still had the monkey nuts in my camera bag from Friday, and this time  the squirrels were more interested  We watched two of them playing together and I got a couple of nice shots of them both on the tree, but love this little chap who saw I had nuts for him.

The rest of the afternoon has been spent at home, Alan watched the F1 final while I did my jobs and cooked the Sunday roast, and now it's feet up and TV time.

It's one month until Christmas, time's flying, but one thing that amazes me is that a few people I know have already put their Christmas trees up!  It's crazy, and seems to get earlier every year!

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