Wheel of Fortune

We had a great time this afternoon, whizzing straight from school to the train for a trip round Edinburgh to do a bit of birthday shopping for Malcolm (big hat), who will be 11 on Tuesday. Towards the end of the day I held my breath as we parted with a small fortune for a few turns on the Big Wheel - well, it was a few minutes we'll remember for a long time to come :)

Looking down on Edinburgh with the "German Market" (nothing German about it) and its many tat stalls, it looks really nice from up high. The best perspective I think.

Big Money Extractor.

Adult cynicism aside, we had a great time and roll on the weekend!

Photo nerdery: After playing with Nik's Color Efex Pro for the demo period, I decided it was definitely not worth the $200 asking price for what I do. Instead I bought their $20 Snapseed for Mac, having used the iPad version for about a year. The main thing I wanted was the "Extract Detail" effect and Snapseed more-or-less has that as Detail -> Structure. Not so powerful, not so flexible, but pah! it'll do. So, this is is a Photoshop layers merge of several Snapseed edits. Works a treat. More will follow ;)

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