
By Paladian

You're all to blame!

.... or "I can't Believe I did this". I think it might have been EmyJane that started it, or it may have been dbifulco, or even LegoDude, or maybe DesertP. I can't blame Vodkaman, although I fully expect to see a green lizard with a red Father Christmas hat sometime between now and the 24th December.

When I was a good deal younger than I am now, I went to enormous amount of trouble for Christmas. I would send out hand embroidered Christmas Cards, decorate a Christmas Tree, play carols until it drove everyone mad, and bake every day for a full month before the Big Day. The whole bit. I loved it.

As I got older, and slightly more cranky, it dawned on me that it really was a whole lot of work, and nobody really cared. So I gradually cut down on the baking, the Christmas cards, the carols, and now I only make a couple of things, and send cards to the closest of the family.

Until this year. Can you believe it - I just made a Christmas Cake. So I could blip it.

I can't believe I did this.

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