
By scintilla

Beauty on the Road

Hooray, the sun came out to visit us for a few hours and my cold is a little better. Nearly zero time to come up with a blip, My wife and I had dinner plans with a visiting colleague at the only semi-gourmet restaurant in Wasilla. So on the way there, I had to get a get a shot of the mountains in celebration of direct sunlight. The sideview mirror signifies that on workdays, my most favorable enjoyment of the surrounding are during the commute. I don't have direct visualization of the mountains from my house (too many trees), but this shot is from the entrance to our neighborhood. Alaska Spring is around the corner. I haven't looked at Chaos's blip today, but I'm guessing he'll be including some mountains. I had lunch with him and he was relishing the idea of having some nice light to work with.

The dinner was awesome, and the company was good. We're sad though because our teenage daughter left today for a four day band competition in Fairbanks. Our occasional tastes of empty nesting are unfortunately becoming more frequent

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