
By BikerJim

~Fiery Halo~

~The Vermilion Crown~

Again, it was a difficult decision of which photograph to select for tonights Blip upload. The range of different variations of the same sunset was extreme, and that makes my choice that much more complicated. I must admit I had a bias, that this image or one of its variants was going to make the cut. When the final selection was made, I realized that I could have saved myself a lot of mental exhaustion. This scene was going to be the one to go into my journal, I just had that feeling as I saw it in the sky and through the camera viewfinder. I did come home with about a hundred clicks in my camera, and after dinner I culled that number down to twenty or so. When that final number is reached I do owe it to those remaining images to be analytical, emotional and critical in my final selection. Guess which one prevailed, the one I knew that would be chosen when I saw it in the sky up on Sunset Ridge!

Thanks for stopping by, TucsonJim ;o)

Laurel Of Fire

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