
By BikerJim

~Serene Twilight~

~A Quietude~

While photographing tonights sunset I noticed sometime strange. I passed it off as me just being me, out in the desert alone at dusk, nobody around, just me being alone. That was it, I was alone, really alone out here. I didn't hear a sound, no birds saying goodnight, nor coyote packs calling a greeting to other packs. Not a hint of a sound, but that wasn't entirely it, something else was happening. It was so quiet and still, that was it! No wind, not even a breeze to rustle the desert grasses or scrub brush. I've never felt so much stillness, like a silent hush was on the world.

This is the last photograph I took before I noticed the motionless calm around me. I put my camera down and set on the ground, my back against my pickup truck with my head resting on the fender. With my eyes looking west and my mind nowhere. So this is what it's like . . . . . .

Wish you were here, TucsonJim ;o)

The Big Silence

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