River Tweed

Poor TT wasn’t feeling his best this morning, but as it was such a lovely morning, he pushed himself out for a run – and a long one at that.  I eventually pushed myself out the door for a run, thinking I would do three to four miles.  After four miles, I was only just getting  going, so I pushed myself to do a fifth mile – the easiest of the five. 

As it was such a lovely day, we headed down to Melrose and had a really lovely walk along the river and then a late lunch and cake in a nice café.  By the time we were wandering back to the car, the sun had disappeared and the temperature had really dropped.  We had a lovely and scenic drive home via Stow and Lauder and there was still some light in the sky when we reached home – the days are noticeably lengthening.  We had picked up a few bits and pieces for tea in Melrose, and TT was in charge of that once we were home.  I enjoyed a gin and tonic in front of the fire, and we had a peaceful evening.

Unlike the River Tyne, the River Tweed  was not frozen (at Melrose anyway), however there was lots of ice at the sides and around these rocks.

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