MonoMonday: Tension

OK, this will need a bit of explanation. However Laurie54, who's hosting MM this month, likes a bit of lateral thinking.

There's some tension in our camera club at the moment. We meet in a function room in a local pub (top picture) and last week we were told that the storage area, in which we keep a lot of equipment (projector, PA system, studio lights, huge backdrop rolls etc etc) is going to be converted into offices - starting in 2 weeks' time! It's not the local or area managers who've made this decision (they're quite upset about it, and we're not the only club affected) it's a high-up manager somewhere very remote (same old story!).

So today 3 of us on the committee started looking for an alternative venue. Several other local pubs don't have function rooms these days, but we found two which do (the middle two pictures). Unfortunately they don't have storage rooms either although they do have ceiling-mounted projectors so that would solve some of our storage problems. We'll have a committee meeting tomorrow to try to decide what to do.

Visiting these various pubs, in addition to various other errands, required me to do a fair bit of walking: hence the lower two photos showing my feet just as I arrived home and my Google Fit* app screen showing that I covered almost 13 miles today (the last 2-3 miles was a result of the Metro system being on the blink for a while). Walking is a good way to defuse tension so that fits the MM theme too.

(*Other fitness monitors are available.)

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