Littlehaven Beach, South Shields

Early-ish start today. Got the bus to Gateshead and then the Metro to the seaside - South Shields.  The Metro station is in the centre of town and its quite a walk down to the sea  but its a straight flat road so its easy walking.

It isn't half term here until next week so there were no children around and the beach wasn't too busy - just a few dog walkers. There were quite a few people sitting on the seafront eating fish and chips though.  Not surprising as the weather was lovely.  Warm and really sunny.

I walked to the end of the pier and took lots of photos.  My main blip shot shows Littlehaven Beach.  In my Extras there is a collage showing a view across the Mouth of the Tyne to The Priory in Tynemouth, a closer view of The Priory, South Shields lighthouse and the red Herd Groyne lighthouse. Also another shot of the beach with some shadows.

I walked back to the Metro doing a bit of shopping on the way. Nothing in the charity shops today. It was market day but even as early as 2pm most of the stalls had already packed up.

I have tagged my blip for the Community Challenge " Everything Water".

Steps today - 13,847

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