
Testing, testing  -one two, one two, one two

Yes for once I hear and have been appraised of the singularity of today's date. 
For the last time this century, the day the month and the year, are all the same number. This won't happen again until the first day of the next century 01/01/01.
Today has been dubbed a World Day of Interconnectedness

Unfortunately I missed out on noticing other singular dates. 10 /11 /12 which was my birthday this year and of course last year,  11 /11/11, although I think some clever blippers did note it.
I have a grandson whose birthday is 08 /08 /08. Nobody in the family is going to forget that one.

I googled today's date and found this general horoscope which is entertaining if only for its banal generality.

121212: There are three possible outcomes as to when Day 12/12/12 comes around:
1. Something good happens on 12.12.12 - The number 12 has been "good to us". It helps us in our daily lives and in the functioning of our society. The number 12 can even be interpreted as a gift and positive message from our distant past. Though there is no scientific basis for the belief, and no known logical premise for the belief; it is possible that something good will happen on a global scale on this date. We don't know everything; the probability is not zero.

2. Nothing happens on 12.12.12 - This is the most likely scenario. An unusual date number sequence doesn't automatically mean that something unusual will happen on a global scale. Usually it's a non-event.

3. Something bad happens on 12.12.12 - Unlike other unusual sequence number dates, December 2012 is replete with historical references indicating that something bad will happen. The number 12 has many times been interpreted as a warning from our past to our future. Between the Mayan calendar and the astronomical events of this time period, doomsday predictions abound. There is presumably no scientific basis for these beliefs. There are presumably no known logical premises for these beliefs. However, these beliefs may not necessarily be false. The probability is not zero.

 And so there you have it; I do hope we will all make it through to Thursday, but His Lordship and I are not worrying  because we're invited to a party tonight to celebrate the date.

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