Strangers Hall, Norwich

I've had such a nice day, in almost only my own company. It began with Henry helping me load up the car with the old water tank and a trip to sort the chickens out, before driving in to Norwich. I parked up at Riverside, where Henry left me to meet his friends for the day, and I went in to Hobbycraft. There, I bought a bag for my sewing machine in the sale and a few other bits. From there I drove to the scrap metal recycling place, where I registered with them to get an account, and then sold them the metal I'd brought. Some little bits of copper pipe off cuts, as well as the tank. I was very pleased.

Drove in to Norwich and parked. Paid my scrap metal cheque in to the bank, and then went into Jarrolds for a pot of tea and a biscuit. Henry was bowling, and I didn't know how long he planned to spend with his friends, so I took myself off to Strangers Hall. It is a Tudor house, and one of Norwich's most historic buildings. I've been wanting to visit for 4 years, but the opening times are very limited. Today it was open for half term, but there weren't many children there. It was lovely. I'll add some extra photos. So much history and lots of information in this interesting former merchant's house. Some dating from 14th century. The strangers were Dutch and Flemish refugees who fled in 16th century and brought their weaving skills and ultimately great wealth to Norwich where the trade quickly developed the economy of the region. I'd urge you to visit if you are interested in history, but check out the opening times first!

Then I walked and walked around shops, stopping for tea breaks and randomly contacting Henry. We eventually met up at 5 and came home, exhausted. I'd done 12000 steps!!

Tomorrow a day at last!

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