Quayside, Norwich

I never tire of this view in Norwich of the buildings in Quayside. Today I got to work early and got off the bus at Anglia Square so that I could walk the rest of the way. Along Magdalen Street where I took this, then up Elm Hill. I thought I'd be able to get a car less photo on Elm Hill as it was only 8am, but no. There was a small builders lorry.

Anyway, the interesting thing I was going to say, was that I recently found out that another of my relatives was born on Quayside, Norwich. My nanna elder sister Hilda. She was born in 1898. So now I need to find out exactly where. Wouldn't it be lovely it it was in one of these colourful houses. I'm going to believe it was, until I'm proved wrong! It means buying her birth certificate really, which I'm not likely to do.

The rest of my day was productive. I got wet at lunchtime checking out one more charity shop for the book I've been searching for. But it was worth it as they had a copy, and just £1. I was very pleased!! Then I went to see Anne in the bead shop on St Benedicts and bought some buttons and thread to restring a necklace. She goes to China to buy all her stock for the shop, and was due to fly out today. That was obviously all cancelled due to the Corona virus. I've spoken to her before about her trips to China and the markets sound fascinating.

Left work at 4, and the bus wasn't on time but meant I caught it without any running. However, Henry is very late finishing work, so my plan for getting home early in the daylight has changed to a late one. I'm still sitting in Tesco carpark waiting for him. Frustrating for us all. Once he has a car we wont have to do this anymore. At least its friday tomorrow. Then I can have a rest.

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