Rainbow, Moon and a Tree . . .

. . . for Joe Tree
Not being a follower of Wild Wednesday I missed the idea of blipping a tree for Joe Tree to mark three years from the rescue of Blipfoto from Polaroid.  In fact it wasn’t until after I had processed today’s blip that I looked a bit closer at 60p’s yesterday’s blip  that I descovered what it was all about.
This morning the moon was so bright and large I just had to snap a shot or two of it.  As an attempt to make it more interesting and a possible blip I also shot it through the branches of our willow tree.  (Nb. I was still in my dressing-gown at the time, and not a lot else – a bit chilly to say the least . . .)  Then a little later a very bright part rainbow appeared so I just had to change lenses and snap that as well.
So to make a long story a little longer; I dedicate to Joe the blip with the willow trying to frame the rainbow, plus the moon through the willow tree at the first extra, and the moon hanging in the sky as an added extra (at no extra cost . . .).

Ps – when I fist saw the rainbow there were two, one quite dull which had disappeared by the time I had changed lenses, but I see that it has reappeared faintly in the published version of the shot.

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