Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Not Quite a cross

Shrove Tuesday today so we had our traditional pancake party at church. I had a lovely welcome back and was reminded just what a close family our congregation is. We haven't a rector at the moment, he retired in October and we are in the process of drawing up profiles and person specs etc. The process is expected to take a year which seems a very long time to be without a member of the clergy guiding us. We seem to be doing OK though, congregational numbers are steady and sometimes up. We are organising ourselves and continuing our yearly events such as tonight.
I walked to church this morning specifically to look at our Lenten Cross of daffodils. We had to have a major drain repair last summer and so much of the lawn was dug up that we thought we might have lost the daffodils which make up the cross but it seems like most survived. A little bit of planting on the left arm and all will be well again next year.
I'm still suffering from the time change, woke at 4.30am again this morning, tomorrow I'm aiming for 6!!
16141 steps 5/6 days achieved so my weekly target of 5/7 is completed. Hooray, day off tomorrow!
Well actually it's Ash Wednesday, so it will be church in the morning , at least I am unlikely to sleep in!

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