Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Spotted this beauty on Craigleith Road today on our way back from town. The tree is going to be absolutely beautiful next week judging by the number of buds ready to burst.
I woke to wind and rain this morning at about 5.30, but by the time I actually got up and out for 9.15, the worst had cleared and it remained dull but mostly dry all day.
It's Ash Wednesday today, so church this morning, nice to get back to the setting up and involvement in what's going on. We had 16 at the service which wasn't bad.
Came home and made a big pot of leek and potato soup, it was very tasty when we had some for dinner this evening.
This afternoon C and I took the bus into St Andrew Square, after a visit to Nespresso, we walked home via Stockbridge. Of course you can't actually walk through Stockbridge without popping into Soderberg for a coffee.
On the way back, I went into Craigleith and picked up some gravel for the fish tank... exciting life I lead... our tank is infested with snails so I'm going to do a really drastic clean and replace all the gravel at the same time. It hasn't been completely changed for almost 10 years, so about time reallybi guess. I've got new plants on order too, so I'll make sure they are snail free before putting them in the tank. Walked back home with 4kg of gravel in my back pack, I'm going to have muscles in some very odd places I think.
15500 steps today not bad for my day off! 6/7 days this week so pleased.
Hoping to sleep till 6.30 tomorrow!

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