Probably a shot of a Jnr

By Hollowspy

Alternative Light Sources 7: IMAXimum security

The only one of this mini-series that nearly got me in bother with some jobsworths. I was spotted by a cinema employee taking this who first wandered into shot between me and the lady Hollows, and after a bit of eye contact called her superiors/security as she went down the escalator. She was waiting at the bottom for us, but we'd been a bit quicker than whoever was on the end of the radio as we left unchallenged other than a little more eye contact.

Dodgy people these photographers, especially when they have two young children with them. Give me a break!!!! If it was criminal activity she was looking out for, she should have gone to the food counter - have you seen how much they charge for 10p's worth of heated corn kernels? Now that's bordering on the crooked.

Also, why do they run adverts telling the entire paying audience not to pirate films? Er, we've paid. It's like having a till receipt that reminds you not to shoplift.

Anyhoo - I can honestly say that The Hobbit in 3D IMAX shown at 48fps is a belter and a big raspeberry to anyone who says otherwise.

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