Blipfoto has changed me!

Before Blip, even though I carried my camera to the park every day, I wouldn't have dreamed of approaching people to ask them to pose in front of my lens. I only took pictures of the birds, deer, squirrels, and such. Now I also take pictures of (would you believe) strangers, and today I asked two men I had never met if I could take their picture for my one street (trail) project. Photography Blipfoto has changed me, enriched my life immensely, and introduced me to some very interesting people.

Today's blip is Ken, a fisherman who drove 200 miles to do some fishing in the park I call home. He was kind enough to agree to a photo for my project when I asked him for a photo opp. Click here if you want to see the picture of Paul,the other stranger I met today. He and his dog Murphy are volunteer trail monitors for the park district.

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