Views of my world

By rosamund


One thing Noah and I have in common is our approach to hair maintenance. Let it grow long until you can't stand it any more, then get it all cut off! The gaps between his haircuts is getting shorter than mine nowadays, think he feels more manly with short hair and if he has a special occasion coming up (like this week's school Christmas Cracker) he does like to get it done.

His favoured barber is in Kempock Street in Gourock as "You just tell the man what you want and he does it - no fuss." I think this also why Carlos chooses to go there. In the past we have dabbled with the Harbour Barber in Greenock but Noah isn't so fond of the experience there because "the woman goes all 'oooh, you've got such lovely curls, what a shame to cut them all off." He even loves the fact that the man in Gourock doesn't mess about with mousse and gel and hairdryers, he just cuts the hair, you pay and you leave.

The first time he bounced into the wool shop with a freshly shorn head I did get a bit of a fright, however he was pleased as punch. I have learned that I have to respect his individuality as much as I respect and encourage Freya's, even if that means the loss of his curls and the presence of a somewhat utilitarian, short, manly haircut. I love my boy so very much, he can do what he likes with his hair!

After the hour long foray to Kempock Street (which included 22 minutes in the post office queue), my cards are now posted, I've done lots of weaving and knitting, watched 2 Christmas films with children, and had an evening of Grey's Anatomy. I do so love a Saturday in the house, with us all under one roof,hopefully more of the same tomorrow except for a brief run to the school for Freya to rehearse for her show on Monday.

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