Mr John

By MrJohn

Dangly .....

..... things.

Today has been my last day at work before Christmas and I now have 8 days off ( woo hoo ). I head down to London tomorrow morning to spend Christmas with my parents and have yet to pack so I'll throw a few things in to a bag first thing in the morning. As long as I remember to take my house keys, wallet, camera, toothbrush, and phone ( in that order of importance ) then I should be ok.

This evening I've been around at the P's for a meal. Mrs P cooked a lovely meal of crispy Peking duck with pancakes and lots of rice, veg, little spring rolls and battered prawns. A few glasses of wine have been consumed ( hence the packing having to wait until the morning ) and I'm now off to bed. Somehow getting my blip in on the same day it's taken still seems important :).

As I hadn't taken any photos today I took a couple of quick snaps at the P's before I left this evening. The choice of blip's were a cute cat ( I'll pop that one on Flickr for Pat ) or the dangly things hanging from the chandelier in the P's living room. Since Mini Pea arrived a lot of things like this have been multiplying in their house. So today's blip is some .....

..... Dangly things.

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