
I am glad to see the back of the week and welcome the weekend! Only Monday morning to go and I'm off until the 3rd January! Hurrah!! I was sent to M&S on the way home from work... to get stuffing and chipolatas. Given my folks are doing the hard work, it was the least I could do. However, you can imagine my delight at the prospect of M&S on the Friday night before Christmas! A glass of wine after work didn't even help!! But I braved it and I have some observations...

Prepare yourself...

The world didn't end.

The shops will be closed for one day only.

If you have a buggy, don't stop in the middle of the shop and block the way.

If you have an umbrella, watch out for people with big hair.

If you've forgotten something, then forego your place in the queue and go and get what you need, don't send the shop assistant!!

When someone else has their hand on something in a shop, don't take it out their hand.

Don't phone people at five to five on a Friday and ask stupid questions.

There's a system at the bus stop, it's called a queue.

If an elderly person gets on the bus and there are no seats... get off your arse and give up your seat (provided you're able!)

I love M&S!

I am doing no more Christmas shopping!!

Roll on tomorrow! :o)

116 sleeps!

(Oh... and I love Ant & Dec... text: SANTA to 70070 to donate £5) x

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