
By LeeAnne


I took a photo of the same tree that Ladyfindhorn blipped today, from my lunchtime perch just under it but I figured while it was nice, it was a bit grey and I feel some colour would be good.

Last night I went to John Lewis and bought some buttons to make some crafty things. I borrowed stole the idea from Sarah's blip the other day and it was just what I needed. I find that I lose myself in things like that. Your mind empties and you concentrate on the job in hand. There's not time to think about other stuff because you're busy doing something else. I'm not sure if that's like sweeping it all under the carpet or not but it makes me feel better to be busy with something.

I took a card round to the Church for Donald this lunchtime, to say thank you for his lovely, kind gesture yesterday. That sort of random act of kindness makes my heart smile. So I put some of my own random crafty stuff in envelopes today and posted them to some of my friends. I'm guessing they probably won't make it there in time for Christmas but they'll perhaps be a nice surprise when they do arrive.

I saw my squirrels, only I didn't get the nuts out of the bag quick enough and Cheeky Chops was actually on my head while she waited. If I get nits or fleas or some shit I'm not going to be happy!! It'll be sod's law (and I've just scratched thinking about it!) *shudders* but even so, I love the squirrels. They fight over nuts that are plentiful, steal them from my bag, jump onto my lap (and now it appears my head!) and none go without but still they fight over them. Monkey nuts are a way more popular choice than the ordinary bird nuts... I expect because they keep better when they bury them for later.

Now I need to work on food for me. I haven't eaten since Monday, I just haven't been hungry. I thought about cereal this morning but the thought was fleeting. I dare say it won't do me any harm *looks down at spare tyres* to lose some of my excess but it's not the healthy way to go about it. Sleep would also be good. 2am till 5am is not enough sleep for me to function, given that I'm an 8 hour a night sorta girl. Generally I'd just like to feel better all round. I guess I will in time.

Thank you all for your kind words yesterday. Meant a lot. x

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