Strike that. Reverse it!


Day 363 - attACK!!!!!

The rules of Nerf Gun fighting:

1. Never ever ever shoot at mummy
2. Never ever ever shoot at mummys brew
3. Never ever ever shoot at Jay the cat
4. Never ever ever shoot at mummy or daddy whilst they are sleeping

These are the rules so far! I dare say by the new year the rule list will be considerably longer.

This blip sums up my week so far really. Some days I feel very outnumbered in this house of boys! I'm not sure why they always aim at me either, surely I'm too easy a target or maybe thats the reason. 3 v 1 is just not fair!

I do think this shows dedication to blip though! 10 bullets aimed straight at my forehead all for a blip!

Anyhow back to today I woke up feeling lousy this morning. After a mini meltdown which included "Fire those bullets at me one more time and they will go in the bin!" My day did start to improve, did coincide with the introduction of the rules list above :0)

Mr F, M and I went to see The Hobbit this afternoon. M and I have been looking forward to seeing it for months. I'd been reading M the book as a bedtime story and he loves it. So proud as I loved it when I was his age too. So to see him enthusiastic and talking about it is truly great.

Off to chill with the boys who really should be in bed but seems they've decided to stay up hmmmm

Happy Friday blippers hope you all have a great weekend x

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