Return to the North

By Viking

Blip model extraordinaire

Well my 'bla' from yesterday showed it's true colours last night. I was up and down all night feeling rubbish. What I thought was probably just a cold had turned into something else. At just before 6am I got the torch, put the light on and went to the mirror. Sure enough when I shone the torch in my mouth my tonsils were a juicy red and white striped! I have bloody tonsillitis.
I never had it as a child but as soon as I hit adulthood I started with it. One time I swear they were the size of golf balls and I had to sleep sitting up because I couldn't breathe lying down. Anyway, several years and bouts later I knew the drill. And as is typical the hospital/Dr's was shut until monday. Thankfully I grovelled to nurse F who took my temp, blood pressure and pulse (all slightly elevated) and then felt down the side of my neck. Finally she stuck the thing in my mouth and lo and behold - big nasty tonsillitis.
I was very lucky that she dispensed some antibiotics on the spot instead of me having to wait until monday - as know what state I would be in by monday.

Anyways what has that got to do with my blip? Nothing really but I like to share :-)

I did go for a short visit to the Red Barn today with TeeJay, Dumbledorian and my mum and oh Sebastian too. I took 29 shots - 27 of them of Sebastian and most of those as he was running towards me. I loved the expression on his face on all these different shots, so have put a montage together. no wonder he is all tuckered out in this shot

Right am off to go scratch my tonsils and wimpier while eating my tea

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