Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Posh or what!

So now I think I've seen everything. I know people say EH4 is a posh place to live, but I don't think I've ever seen this before. A trellis erected to hide a skip - it even has artificial plants woven into the top of it. I have to say it does look good despite my comments and may stop people fly tipping.
Church this morning and our visiting celebrant was the Edinburgh Diocesan Enabler of Mission. Excellent sermon and thoroughly enjoyed her visit.
This afternoon we walked down to K &J's who are back from holiday and looking great. The children seem to have shot up 6 inches while they were away for a week. Walked back home and had a lazy time in the garden picking some pass2 and checking the Blackcurrants which I think can wait another couple of days.
23304 steps today, that's quite a lot!

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