Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Thank you all for your kind comments on my 5k run yesterday. Very much appreciated. I still can't believe I ran for 47 minutes without stopping!
The weather was better than expected today and Colin cut the grass so its looking particularly lush at the moment. You can see yesterday's rose in the background in front of the delphiniums.
A quiet day today, I did lots of admin which had been building up and spent yet another hour on the phone to Scottish Power. We cancelled the contract with them for the rectory account in February. They owe us around £350 which was overpaid by d/d while the place was empty. Their wires are crossed though so they keep sending out demands for payment of said amount which are becoming more and more threatening then when we phone and complain we are told that it is their error and that they owe us and will send a cheque.. We wait! . They are on their last warning before we start writing official letters of complaint. The problem is that staff are working from home so can't get in touch with other depts or managers. Individual staff are very nice and helpful but the system is useless. Very unsatisfactory think I'll cancel my account with them, oh wait I have!!!!
Out for a walk this evening. Only 8000 steps today, clearly a day off.

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