Glassy morning

Morning Gold

the year runs down
her balance spent
just enough to see
in window eye
one last day
still flush with gold

For the Record,
This day came in with morning color the snow responding with icy crunch at every step. Young bucks out back, frost etched barn windows reflecting the glow, the year wakes to the last day of 2012.

Our friends from Maine & California will arrive today, to ring in the New Year. We'll spend sweet fleeting hours before two head to the west coast and one back to Maine. Not the Christmas meeting we planned but every moment special. B-way and I have been friends now going on 43 years. we've not been together since S's partner, our dear friend B was slipping away.

I hope to post some more photos later. Enjoy the festivities, and the welcoming in of 2013.

New Year's Eve

Outside, looking in.

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