New Year HUB...

Things didn't go perfectly to plan but they got around to a semblance of succeeding.

I thought it'd be nice to take the kids on a New Year cycle and I fancied doing something different so we headed down to do the Crammond Foreshore run in reverse or my reverse (I'm used to going from Crammond to New Haven on my way to work.)

The one time I didn't need an easterly wind, we got it today. The wind was blowing right in our face as we tried to get back to Crammond. It was unfortunately too much for the kids so we had to retreat. We headed back the couple of hundred metres we managed in a fraction of the time it took us to get that far and MrsTFP picked them up. I headed on alone, fell off a couple of times but managed it in about 25 minutes and got a load of brilliant smiles on the very crowded Crammond end of the journey.

A fun and challenging way to start the year.

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