Morgan ....

Well what a day we had! First i had to navigate my way thro heavy Toronto traffic to pick up Morgan and Ace at the airport....that went pretty well. then we headed north to stop at Cosco's to pick up a few 'items' for the party this saturday! We spent about an hour in there and here you can see Ace rearranging all the luggage so we can fit all this food in ! And this is only a portion of what is needed to feed 60 folks this coming Saturday!

Got to my lovely airbnb around 8pm then headed over to Robin and Manno's place, what a great reunion it was. I was just over the moon happy with both my girls beside me! And to be with other family members too! The big tent was already up and it looks awesome. Lots of chit chat and laughing and then home again to my bnb .... sleep was a welcomed place!

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