House finch

I think this is a house finch, although the one in my bird book doesn't have a black bill. Today I drove my friend Barb to her doctor's appointment. Only five minutes away is one of my favorite parks, North Chagrin Reservation, so I zipped over there for some photo ops while she saw the doctor. I captured 10 pictures I liked. Although this isn't technically a great photo because I took it through a window at the nature center, I like the chubbiness and the color of this little bird.

The air was so bitterly cold, I had to retreat indoors to warm up and change my lens, and when I walked in the door my glasses fogged up. The temperature this morning was around 9 degrees Fahrenheit. The forecast predicts temperatures in the mid-fifties on Friday. Are they trying to confuse us or something?

The other nine pictures I liked from this morning can be seen here.

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