Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair


Thank you all for the comments and stars and more especially for the sympathy for our lovely Maisie yesterday. Today has been a little more normal as we start to come to terms with her loss. It's of some comfort to know that she didn't suffer, but hard to realise she's gone, she was so full of life. As a mother, too, dealing with Ali's sadness is so hard, I feel so helpless not being able to help her and to make things better for her, she has been so happy getting their new house ready this summer. This has quite flattened her.

Our interim pastor came for coffee and a chat this morning so I knocked up a batch of cheese and one of fruit, scones, they were good if I do say so myself! It was nice to have time for a catch up.

Today we went to Craigie farm, I thought I'd get some more blackcurrants for cordial but the ready picked weren't great so I'll go and pick some later in the week. I had also thought to buy some cherries to take to our friend's this evening, but they have finished for the season sadly.
I'm really tired just now, think it's all the raw emotion, so I just came home and had a nap.

This evening I realised that I have managed to lose my bank card in all the confusion so now I've had to cancel it and I'll have to wait for a new one, and then a new pin, to arrive. The person I spoke to at the Clydesdale Bank telephone centre was so nice and friendly and reckons I should be up and running again very soon. It's just the inconvenience of it all. I think I'm not concentrating properly and I've absolutely no idea where I left the old one.
We went for a lovely meal this evening at our friend Sarah's, good food, good company and a very relaxing evening, just what we needed, but a later night than I had intended. I did enjoy it though. Thank you note is written!
Only 5668 steps today, need to do better tomorrow.

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