Milky way at Meervogel windmill

Right after posting my previous blip, I decided I wanted to capture the milky way again. I thought windmill Meervogel at Hoeksmeer would be a good location. The mill and the grass were lit by both the moon and some lights from nearby houses, allowing a 30 second exposure to pick up enough light for the foreground and have the milky way present in the shot as well. It was very dark and composing the shot and focussing proved very hard, but I managed and I am quite pleased with the shot.

After a couple of hours of sleep, it was time to get up again and take Nienke and Inge to pony week. I took my other camera with me. Nienke and Inge took Jade out and we had a little photo shoot. One of the shots is in the extras.

Tonight, Nienke and Inge will sleep at the pony week, which is a bit weird for me because tomorrow is Inge's birthday, so we will not be the first to see her and congratulate her. When she returns home tomorrow, she is probably very tired so we decided to have family and friends over on Sunday.

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