We've been out multi pitch climbing today, and again tomorrow, with a guy nearing the end of his MCI training. I first met Neil Redgrave earlier in the year for a day's climbing at Stanage Edge and this trip was arranged after that.

But first, while waiting for Neil in the café carpark, Mary rescued this toad from almost certain death. He was stuck down a bit of vertical pipe at the edge of the tarmac, unable to jump or climb out and seemed exhausted, making no effort to avoid Mary's helping hand. Luckily he was able to crawl into the wet vegetation :-)

We climbed Slick VD** at Clogwyn yr Oen, learning about rope work and belays on the way, and afterwards learned how to tie off the belay in preparation for escaping the system in case of emergency. 

Lovely rock and very enjoyable! The extra is the only other photo taken on the day.

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