Englishman in Bandung

By Vodkaman


This has got to be the ugliest spider I have ever seen. It scampered under a leaf as I was passing, the size and rapid movement caught my eye, it was fast!

I managed to chase it back into the open long enough to collect four shots, but the flash was disturbing the critter and it moved back under the leaf. I tried the stick thing again, but it jumped into space and disappeared into the undergrowth and was gone for good.

Quite a rare sighting, I have only seen a couple of these before. Research tells me that it is a huntsman, but I could not find an exact match. Probably an endemic species to Indonesia, as Australian huntsman spiders are very well documented.

This thing had a body length of an inch, maybe a tad more, but the legs were extremely long and the whole thing was a bit hairy. The disturbing thing was the gait of the legs, all curving forward, for some reason this gave this arachnid a menacing look.

I am hoping that this spider does not disturb you too much, especially as you are getting used to my spider shots.


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