Fair Isle Friday at Shetland Wool Week

After breakfast we took the hire car back.  I was so smitten with it that I would have gladly taken it back home!  It was a red Skoda Citigo, tiny, like a toy car and an absolute doddle to park.  I was very impressed, once I'd got used to the fact that you had to depress the clutch to get it to start!  The camper van is automatic, so this was a new one on me.

A last look round the shops to search for last minute bits and  pieces, while LadyF waited in the cafe with her croissant and coffee and a copy of the Shetland Times.  Lots of news of Wool Week, which is estimated to have brought more than £1m into the local economy!  Nice to think we contributed in a very small way!  

I also gave a little donation to have my photo taken with these two - Fivla and Vitamin, the Shetlands in Sweaters. More about them here, it is a blog, so you may have to scoll down a little.

It has been a super week, we have seen and done so much, met the loveliest and most friendly of people, locals, organisers and other Wool Week visitors.  The fact that the sun shone, that we have seen orcas and caught up with other blippers, that the B&B was such a success and that LadyF and and I had each other for company and to share it all made it a very special holiday.  Lots of fun and adventures, and sitting in our beds in the evening, with our G&Ts, our knitting and our blipping!   

I am now heading home for a rest!

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