Wherever next?

By aime

Drakensberg Mountains

Our "River Crossing" B&B was chosen because of it's proximity to these lovely mountains. Our hosts gave the advice that we should continue up Champagne Valley till the road stopped, park the car at the visitor centre and take advice from the ranger there. We found that we had a choice of walks of varying lengths, heights and difficulty and our main challenge  was in choosing the most interesting (toughest) walk that Frances could manage with a shiny new metal hip. I fact Frances cruised the 5 hr walk up to the Sphinx and on to Blindman's Corner with the rest of us. We were treated to spectacular views of spectacular mountains from quiet paths which snaked up through flower filled meadows and traversed lush plateaus. We took time to look around and soak up the ambience of a unique and beautiful part of the world before heading back to the valley floor for coffee and cakes at an artisan bakery that Margie had eyed up earlier. Then home for Bob's special recipe pasta and to make a decision about where we would like to be tomorrow evening.

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