Wherever next?

By aime


Our next stop was going to be the Wild Coast which meant a 750km transfer and a transit of the immense and beautiful Transkai region. It was a hot day and we had a 9hr drive but the AC in our efficient Mazda 3 coped well. The roads were smooth, quiet and wide - which was useful as the local drivers were happy to drive three abreast on two lane roads. We stopped at Howick to view the waterfalls but didn’t come across any other obvious tourist attractions so just kept driving. KFC provided a snack but no coffee, Texaco provide a sandwich and coffee which we enjoyed even if it was instant.

By the time we arrived at Morgan Bay we were all ready to stop moving and to sit and chill in the hotel’s attached restaurant listening to the sound of the waves breaking on the shore. Bob will need to do some exercise tomorrow…

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