Quod oculus meus videt

By GrahamColling

On the Staffordshire Way

I haven't walked here for almost three years. I was looking for a location I could get to quickly when fog and mist descended as dawn was approaching and ended up near the route of the Way.

On this occasion the mist was disappearing fast and I had limited opportunity for shots but grabbed this before the mist dispersed.

A sombre day. I had to visit a cattery the Council licence, which was devastated by fire last Friday with the loss of 20 cats. So many lives were affected by this accident. The owner lost three of her own cats as well as those being boarded and was very upset. Not to mention the cat owners who must come to terms with the loss.

We have a cat. I baulk at the suggestion that we own him. He honours us with his presence and we are in return allowed to feed him and provide a roof over his head. I can only imagine the hurt were we to lose him in that way.

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