Red Squirrel


Ear We Are Again ...


Back to work today - reluctantly. But feeling much more human now, although still somewhat below par.
The air in our offices, down in the bowels basement of County Hall is pretty naff. So even though I knew I'd not manage to go far, I couldn't wait to get out into the fresh air during lunch break. Luckily though cold it's been a fairly clear, dry day (in fact this is the 5th consecutive day with no rain, wow!)
I managed a slow plod to the very edge of Bracondale wood, and spotted some Jews Ears (Auricularia auricula-juda) on some small fallen branches. So I grabbed some shots, and this one I liked best.

Work tomorrow too, but at least it's Friday - I plan to spend as much time as possible chilling and resting over the weekend to finish off this virus properly.

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