
Today's the day …………………….. for good wishes

It's Tessa's 4th birthday today - and because we won't be seeing her on the actual day, this is to wish her very Happy Birthday!

I'm sure she'll be going to the big bonfire and firework party that is a well-known happening in Moniaive on the 5th November.  She has always thought that it was put on specially for her - which is brilliant.  Her proper birthday party is on Saturday and we'll see her then.

She has become interested in ballet recently which is why I looked out this (ancient) picture of me, aged about ten I think - when I was very interested too.  I wish I could say that I stuck at it and became a ballerina - but I think I moved on to the horse-riding phase after that.

There's someone else who could do with a few good wishes today.  I'm hoping that all has gone well for my sister Marj - and that she'll be dancing about again in the near future ……………………...

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