
Today's the day ………………………… to return

I was back in Kendal today for a visit to my hairdresser.

And yes I know - it is a long way to go for a haircut - and yes, they do have hairdressers in Kirkcudbright.  But my Kendal hairdresser is a very long-standing and good friend.  We have known each other over the past thirty years - and I can't abandon her just because we've moved!

Anyway, it's always good to see her - but, I have to say, it's slightly odd now to be back in Kendal.  To be in a place that I know very well - but no longer belong in - is strange.  It seems busier than ever and some buildings have changed.  This is actually our old house which now has scaffolding all over it - so I wonder what's happening there.

It's always good to drive back north to my home now …………………..

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