Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

The Optimist

Tufted Titmouse (Bacaolophus bicolor) - the first bird to show up at my feeders when I put them up in 2011 and a personal favorite. They are inquisitive, cheerful, busy little birds who are quite tolerant of humans. And some of them LOVE peanuts. This species has already been posted for the BlipBigYear, so the tag is for my reference.

A second after I snapped this, the little guy took off with his prize - unfortunately, the shot was blurry so I will try again anther day. It is very funny to see this small bird take flight with a big peanut - seems to defy the laws of gravity, and yet they do it regularly. Go big or go home, I guess.

I put some acorns out for the blue jays, too and got a nice close up of my blue friend here. Like all corvids, the blue jays are clever things and always seem to be up to something.

There was an extravaganza of squirrels out back this morning when I got up - they were everywhere! I seem to have found several baffles that actually work, though, so some of the feeders are now "birds only". I don't have the heart to restrict them all - the squirrels provide me with endless entertainment and more than a few laughs, so they can continue to raid some of the feeders.

Hubs just sent me a text - he plane just touched down at Newark so he should be home in about an hour and a half - yay! It will be good to have him home.

From what I've seen in a quick visit to journals, it seems that weekends around the world have been mostly good. Let's keep that going through the upcoming week, okay?


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