Desperately seeking

By clickychick

Birthday Present

It was The Mother's birthday today! Amongst other things, The Girls like to give their grannie a poinsettia for her birthday. She's got past the stage of wanting to put up Christmas decorations so this cheerful plant placed on a low table in front of the window makes the room look festive from inside and out.

I went to get it on their behalf and I'm very fussy about poinsettias, really fussy! I like to buy the big ones with three plants in the pot. I have known for a long time that they don't tolerate coldness and draughts and, of course, we always want them in winter! For this reason I never buy one if the shop displays them near the door. I take with me to the shop a huge piece of bubble-wrap and wrap the plant up in this before going outside and get it quickly out of the car when I get home. Cared for in this way the plant will keep its lovely red bracts for a long time after Christmas.

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