The Wofflings Of A Doris

By DorisOrDwagon


Some days it's just not worth planning, you only feel annoyed that you've not managed to stick to it!

Found the snow very distracting, although not quite the pile that I thought might arrive - just wanted to watch it/photograph it rather than do the pile of research for work, which I've found particularly mind-numbing today so my work hours took all day, interspersed with trips into the garden.

Kept popping out to see if I could get some arty images while it was actually snowing, but wasn't that happy with them and came in looking like a SnowDoris. When the snow stopped it seemed to thaw really quickly, so out I went again to see if I could get a good thawing, water dropping off the leaves image - nope... there's alway next time.

So here is my pile of half read mags/books by the side of the bed mentioned yesterday (not including a pile of borrowed ones in the cupboard!)

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